
c + a tradutores



Theatre Plays

1) Pope Joan by Lance Belville;
2) Mbahir and his Adventures by Lance Belville
3) Clara Barton - Fields of Glory, Rivers of Blood by Lance Belville


1) Mbahir and his Amazonic Adventures by Lance Belville for the author;
2) A Scientist at the Seashore by James Trefil for Europa Publishers;
3) Man Visible and Invisible for Conhecimento Publishers;
4) Thought-Forms for Conhecimento Publishers;
5) The Morality of Freedom by Joseph Raz for Campus Elzevier Publishers;
6) Becoming Charlemagne by Jeff Sypeck for Record Publishers;
7) Panama Fever by Matthew Parker for Record Publishers;
8) Does Anything Eat Wasps? by Mick O'Hare for Record Publishers;
9) How the Cold War Began by Amy Knight for Record Publishers;
10) Bamboo Goalposts by Rowan Simons for Record Publishers;
11) The Uses and Abuses of History by Margaret MacMillan for Record Publishers;
12) The Alexander Cipher by Will Adams for Record Publishers;
13) Dance of Death by Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston for Record Publishers
14) Deep Storm by Lincoln Child for Record Publishers
15) Terminal Freeze by Lincoln Child for Record Publishers
16) Da Escola para a Vida for Altadena Publishers
17) Raven Black by Ann Cleeves for Record Publishers
18) White Nights by Ann Cleeves for Record Publishers
19) So Cold the River by Michael Koryta for Record Publishers
20) Snow Angels by James Thompson for Record Publishers
21) The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly for Record Publishers
22) From the Dead by Mark Billingham for Record Publishers
23) All The Colors of Darkness by Peter Robinson for Record Publishers
24) The Diviner's Tale by Bradford Morrow for Record Publishers
25) The Hunt for Atlantis by Andy McDermott for Record Publishers
26) The Antichrist by F. W. Nietzsche for Martin Claret Publishers
27) Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich W. Nietzsche for Martin Claret Publishers
28) Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich W. Nietzsche for Martin Claret Publishers
29) The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin for Martin Claret Publishers
30) Hemlock Grove by Brian McGreevy for LeYa Publishers
31) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë for Martin Claret Publishers
32) All My Friends are Superheroes by Andrew Kaufman for Leya Publishers
33) Introducing Nietzsche by Laurence Gane and Piero for Leya Publishers
34) North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell for Martin Claret Publishers
35) Pamela by Samuel Richardson for Martin Claret

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1) Short stories for "Sétimo Céu Magazine" of Bloch Publishers - tens of issues.
2) Foreword of the book Rim por Rim for Record Publishers.


1) Technical manuals on wire rods and nails manufacturing for Moreira Carneiro & Co.;
2) Post Reports (information about Brazilian diplomatic offices abroad) for Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
3) Several articles for a doctorate thesis on Forensic Dentistry for Dr. José Reynaldo dos Santos Teixeira;
4) Manuals on Human Resources Policies for Guardian Industries;
5) Several articles about Social, Economic and Political History of South American Countries for Diplomacia, Economia e Política magazine of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

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